Adrianne Nessel

I am a caring and dedicated Occupational Therapist.

I use my experience of working with older adults in the age care sector, life experience and clinical education to help older age clients to lead independent, safe, and fulfilling lives.

  • Home Modifications: including assessment and recommendations for environmental modifications (minor and complex) to enable people to live safely and independently in their home. Home modifications may include changes to the structural, layout or design of a home to improve accessibility and liveability
  • Assistive Technology: including assessment and prescription of assistive technology to improve participation, independence, and quality of life
  • Pressure Care: including education and management strategies to maintain skin integrity and prevent/improve existing pressure injuries through prescription of pressure redistribution equipment and review of functional abilities, transfers, posture and other assistive technology.

My approach to therapy sees me working in collaboration with my clients to assist them to achieve independence in their daily activities and increase their safety in occupational performance. I also believe in providing education to clients on what is possible and how therapy or interventions can help them achieve their therapy goals.

When not working, I love to spend time relaxing on the beach, and spending time with my son.